Things Acceptable During Quarantine | Opinion


Unpopular opinion:

COVID-19 quarantine has had its perks.

Listen —yes, the world is INSANE right now and everything sucks, but I’m trying to keep it positive over here guys. I’m just home. Ideas for content when you live alone and single are gonna be questionable.

Anyway! As no one, AT ALL requested: I have made a short list of things to try to brighten your time self-isolating! Thank me later.

[written in jest]

👍🏼 Acceptable Style

Feeling down because you’re not getting the attention you want from strangers IRL? Looking like a bum got you feeling blue? I gotchu, bb!

The solution is simple: 🗣ROBES.

Yes, robes. While spending all my time at home (alone), I discovered the best way to still feel cute/sexy and not wear pants** is to basically to live in them.

Now, if you don’t have one — worry not! A towel will do. You gotta have one of those laying around the house. (Also quick shout-out to the inspo: Chrissy Teigen)

Back to me: I casually wore robes around my place in “life before COVID” (aka B.C.) — ya know, just throw one on for a chill night in or while getting ready to go out, NBD. But nowww, WE CAN’T. So I just stayed in ‘em. Like, pretty much exclusively. And let me tell you… the comfort and confidence boost — GIRL. 🚀

Also as someone whose anxiety amplified during “these unprecedented times,” it’s just one less thing to worry about. Think Zuckerberg in only gray T-shirts. Robes are my ‘gray tee.’


👍🏼 Acceptable Activities

A month ago, I would have felt slightly ashamed to admit this (especially in my 30s), but… I joined TikTok.


It started innocently enough. Found on Twitter; got a few laughs. Then before I knew it… I made one.

Not only did I join the once [mostly] teen-filled app. I participated. And gotta say: INTO IT! (the app, not the kids lol)

During quarantine, TikTok has not only entertained + inspired me with the incredible amount of talented creatives worldwide; it also encouraged me to explore more of my own creativity —while also teaching me useful skills I wish I knew as a young adult. Like how to “finesse life“ within 60-seconds. (Shit you not)

It’s truly a breath of fresh air from all the branded content we see in the digital world today, especially while quarantined during the coronavirus pandemic. Scrolling through a diverse group of incredibly imaginative, hilarious humans come together to entertain [and inform] each other —it’s amazing. And what we need right now.

Plus, there is no clout or ‘standard of beauty’ that gets prioritized, therefore TikTok feels more relatable and wholesome compared to other apps.

Oh! Also, TikTok is a great way to pin your “NEW” *wink* “drinking problem” *wink-wink* on something else. . .


Do you know how many takes it took to get my first TikTok done?
I don’t! You see, it involved a glass of wine that I sipped/refilled during and in-between takes —for a solid 45 minutes. And it should be noted, it was for a 30-second video.


Anyway, it was SO fun creating a silly video in a robe drinking wine, rather than just sitting on my couch watching YouTube videos, in a robe drinking wine. Ya feel? Just takes away the guilt of drinking alone, because… community. 🤝

It’s also the only app I’ve seen used a positive way globally in a looong time. Like, informing and uniting users of all generations to continue the fight for equality and justice (and calling bullshit on those who ruin the REAL vibe). You know, as opposed to trying to sell you something you don’t need during a pandemic, political unrest, climate change... 👀 (#noshade #butReadTheRoom)

And gotta say, having to go through blankets of bullshit/ads on Instagram, just to find three-day-old posts from the friends I actually care about… OVER IT.

(GIVE US BACK CHRONOLOGICAL POSTS, Mark —then I’ll reconsider 😤*)
*JK —just stop spreading misinformation, using everyone’s data for profit, AND not admit you could stop it.


Getting help for your mental health and well-being.

All jokes aside, if you have or are struggling with your mental health, please don’t be afraid to talk about it to get the help you need.

A true perk during the COVID-19 madness has been the increase of easily accessible sources for mental health care, such as: virtual therapy, meditation apps, etc. Some, like headspace, are even offering year-long free trials right now.

My personal struggle with mental health has been a looong, shitty one (—and apparently the reason I stayed in toxic relationships🙄). So throughout this year’s chaos …it significantly worsened. Luckily, I managed to put pride down to find the help I needed and continue pushing forward.

Promise, you are not alone!
I know it sounds cheesy, but IT’S TRUE. 💞


Welp. That’s it. I didn’t really plan this out.

Stay safe out there, y’all! And…




**Ideal quarantine style:

I have practiced for years, living alone.
So the transition to it being the new ‘acceptable’ norm during lockdown: EASY.
Haven’t embraced it yet? Try it.
Super “IN” right now guys

Nancy Tatiana

Nancy is a Dallas native that loves breakfast, booze, and binge-watching TV shows alone. She also enjoys sharing authentic content, like honest recommendations/suggestions and personal stories, on everything from: travel > life > music > random topics!

Things I Learned on TikTok | Opinion


QuaranTUNES | Playlist to Inspire Creativity