film • music • tv | FMTV001


Remember when I created Music of the Week? Neither do I! (doesn’t matter)

What does matter is I got back to this blog with an idea! Combining my quick reviews suggestions as I do, on:

  • FILM

    (—or Funny/Factual shit …depending if I actually sit through a movie)


  • T.V.

    (—aka: streaming)

…just to share my interests!

And YES. This is really for myself —don’t try to catfish or murder me. I just love looking back at this kind of stuff. So!

THIS IS MY xanga NOW!!

side note:
I meant to start this August 2021,
so that shows how committed I got after brewing this up...


St. Paul & The Broken Bones // Alien Coast

Love the new album. One I’ve been able to listen to thoroughly, no skips.
(Blog on those coming soon!! —ish.)

Chester Watson // Phantom

The 25-year-old (whose name sounds like an accountant*) is so dope! And refreshing to hear, since a lot of artists today… let’s be real, they’re just coastin’ and boastin’” ™ 👀

I love recommending his music, as well as Wesley Joseph. Whilst still trying out my "[also] not an accountant” joke.

…I’ll get there.

Denzel Curry // Walkin

Sums up my feeling about things rn. And it slaps! (I can say that at my age, right? or just type it??)

Anyway, I’ve become a big fan of Denzel Curry this year, so I also recommend you check out Zatoichi (feat. slow thai).

tv + film

Crashing // HBO (2017 - 2018)

No idea how I hadn’t already seen this, as a comedian + storytelling fanatic. But so happy I have friends that know me well enough to suggest!

Crashing is a semi-autobiographical series by Pete Holmes, about a comedian pursuing a stand-up comedy career. And it’s so good! Lots of memorable dialogues that are honest, hilarious and just sometimes too relatable. (aka: the reason I LOVE comedy!)

After Life // Netflix (2019 - 2022)

Ricky Gervais, back at it again with his unique brand of comedy! Ricky plays Tony Johnson, a once optimistic writer, who’s now grieving the loss of his best friend —his wife.

It explores the heavy moments people experience after death (like depression and in Tony’s case, contemplating suicide), but with Gervais’ classic cynicism and dark humor to balance the show in such beautiful way.

…And it’s only 3 seasons! [As shows should be…]



Welp. That’s it. If you wanna know more about any of these COMMENT, LIKE or DM me!
(I will filter through the PSAM, tho)

Nancy Tatiana

Nancy is a Dallas native that loves breakfast, booze, and binge-watching TV shows alone. She also enjoys sharing authentic content, like honest recommendations/suggestions and personal stories, on everything from: travel > life > music > random topics!

music • tv • facts + funnies | FMTV002


SPECIAL: Christmas Episodes To ...