“2 Guns” Features our MasterSource Library Music | FirstCom Music


Action, comedy, bromance, and FirstCom Music – what more could you ask for from a summer movie?! 2 Guns, the action-packed film starring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg, features placements from our MasterSource library!

MasterSource was founded in the early ‘90s by Marc Ferrari, a well-known musician and two-time recipient of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)’s “Special Writer Award.” Ferrari designed the music library to feature original songs with vocals, composed and produced by A-list talent. The MasterSource music catalog was added to the FirstCom Music libraries in 2010.

Today, MasterSource features ultra-contemporary, cutting-edge major label-quality collection of song-based cuts. It is among the world’s largest collection of vocal tracks in all genres. The tracks placed in 2 Guns are: “All the Blues I Need” (MSTR103 #4), “Divorciada” (MSTR213 #11), and “Entregate” (MSTR138 #13).

2 Guns premieres Friday, August 2, but you can listen to the featured FirstCom Music tracks anytime by visiting our MasterSource library page!

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Nancy Tatiana

Nancy is a Dallas native that loves breakfast, booze, and binge-watching TV shows alone. She also enjoys sharing authentic content, like honest recommendations/suggestions and personal stories, on everything from: travel > life > music > random topics!


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