Weekly Music Series | Top 5 Songs (Week 6)


…in my current playlist:


This week was different in that I mostly listened to old favorites, and specifically most from one band: Little Dragon. I mentioned my love for them in a previous post (I mean… Yukimi Nagano🐉🙌), so won’t go too much into it again, haha. But yeah, they’re an electronic music band from Sweden that I stumbled upon in 2014 — when VH1 was relevant and used to play those music videos at night after TV shows. (Side note: why TF did that end?! BRING IT BACK…after all TV shows!)

I just remember catching Klapp Klapp by Little Dragon, and I was instantly hooked. And thanks to the gift of streaming/Spotify, I was able to jam ALL of this Grammy-nominated band’s albums — old and new. Honestly feel like there is something in every album that matches any mood I’m, like, ever in haha. For real tho. They’re dope.

Anyway! I stayed jamming through their albums this week, so check them all out! But, for this post I’m just gonna leave these two gems that were most in my rotation this week (…plus other stuff I had in the mix below):


Place To Belong, a song by Little Dragon on Spotify

Please Turn, a song by Little Dragon on Spotify


And The Sea, a song by Poolside on Spotify

Woop Baby, a song by letherette on Spotify

Tangerine - Channel Tres Remix, a song by Aaron Childs, Channel Tres on Spotify


Nancy Tatiana

Nancy is a Dallas native that loves breakfast, booze, and binge-watching TV shows alone. She also enjoys sharing authentic content, like honest recommendations/suggestions and personal stories, on everything from: travel > life > music > random topics!


Weekly Music Series | Top Songs (Week 7)


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